Hahaha when I first accidentally did and you had to pretend to forget everything haha. But yah I rewrote a lot of it and turning some of the other stuff into flashbacks instead. And thank youuuuuuu 🙏🙏🙏
I originally had it as first person too but it didn’t allow me to write how I want it and changed it all
Ahaha yeah, I don't easily forget things but I am also good at just acting like I don't know 😜 'cause Kazzy doesn't know! Haha Third person is my preferred writing style, I feel so limited with first person but I also think that's my lack of experience with it, I've seen people write first person really well!
Hahaha I’m so sorry. Thank you for keeping all that though! And it helps our characters don’t know haha.
Third person is def way more flexible. I like writing as first for some short stories. But not for a novel size one haha. It gets tough at that length.
Haha no need to be sorry! and of course! I am experienced enough in rp not to metagame :)
I've only written in first person once or twice. After I read a book series in first person and wanted to give it a try. I think I struggle with it because I don't see the characters as myself, I am not my character, they are their own thing.
Haha I rmr Jacob saying you were the best one to accidentally share that with cuz you wouldn’t metagame haha.
That’s a totally fair way of looking at it. If you can’t separate the two, it becomes really tough to write as first person. I enjoy doing it for non humanoid characters haha. I did one as Death and one as a cat.
Happy I inspired ya!! Honestly. Do it!! It lets you really get into their minds when it comes to roleplay heavy sessions (assuming your join a campaign with a lot of that)
Aww, poor little Lilith. I know how much children get attached to Teddy's and they are like real friends to them. So sad.
I still am attached to mine. It made me choke a bit while writing cuz I’d be the same way, even to this day
Nooo...Asmoden!! 😭 I remember this, you really upgraded it since you first sent it to me!! I love it!
Hahaha when I first accidentally did and you had to pretend to forget everything haha. But yah I rewrote a lot of it and turning some of the other stuff into flashbacks instead. And thank youuuuuuu 🙏🙏🙏
I originally had it as first person too but it didn’t allow me to write how I want it and changed it all
Ahaha yeah, I don't easily forget things but I am also good at just acting like I don't know 😜 'cause Kazzy doesn't know! Haha Third person is my preferred writing style, I feel so limited with first person but I also think that's my lack of experience with it, I've seen people write first person really well!
Hahaha I’m so sorry. Thank you for keeping all that though! And it helps our characters don’t know haha.
Third person is def way more flexible. I like writing as first for some short stories. But not for a novel size one haha. It gets tough at that length.
Haha no need to be sorry! and of course! I am experienced enough in rp not to metagame :)
I've only written in first person once or twice. After I read a book series in first person and wanted to give it a try. I think I struggle with it because I don't see the characters as myself, I am not my character, they are their own thing.
Haha I rmr Jacob saying you were the best one to accidentally share that with cuz you wouldn’t metagame haha.
That’s a totally fair way of looking at it. If you can’t separate the two, it becomes really tough to write as first person. I enjoy doing it for non humanoid characters haha. I did one as Death and one as a cat.
Haha your secrets --and his, are safe with me! 😜
Taking on death and a cat in first person could be fun!
That's a hell of a beginning for an origin story!
Hehe thank youuuuu!!!! I love her so much haha
You’re giving me inspiration to potentially do this for my own character!
Happy I inspired ya!! Honestly. Do it!! It lets you really get into their minds when it comes to roleplay heavy sessions (assuming your join a campaign with a lot of that)
Oh I will have to join at least one campaign like that. Perhaps not right away, but certainly in the future if I am going to continue to love it.
Yah you’re a story teller. You’ll want to. The battle heavy ones won’t hit the spot. But try both!
Haha I will keep an open mind. That is my nature for pretty much most things.