Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen


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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

God bless you and your family forever

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Thank you. And yours too 😊

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen


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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

My daughter and her husband love cats and have 3! Just put your book in the cart for a Xmas present! (Yes, I shop early 😊)

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🥹🥹 that is so awesome that they have 3! Awwww thank you so much for the support!!! I hope they all enjoy it! 😺

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Just awesome.

Our DM has two cats, and whenever we get together they want NOTHING to do with us when we're playing. But they do very much want to hang with my daughter. Probably because she sneaks them treats.

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Hahahaha they know where the treats are. Our DM also has two cats. One wants to play but is too shy around lots of people. The other will just go and try to step on the screen and swat at everyone’s minis

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I miss my boys. I had two boys at one time and they hunted together. They were good boys.

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Awww. What were their names?

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Scraggly and Füzball. They found each other at around 1 years each Füz I had had since 6 months and we had moved to another place. I would let him out to kill bugs because I had to fix him earlier than recommended because of some queers with an HOA. "He's spraying my door!" "Well rinse it off!"

They show up with their attorney--"We will charge you for vandalism and menace."

'F-- YOU C---S----R' in my head, "fine" and I got it done. $20000 in fees when I lost. Can't afford they bs.

Anyhow, Couple months later Füz and I moved. He was hurting roaches ( the Apts were cheap and only attracted Veterans fresh out of the service transitioning, Convicts either engaged in more and bigger crimes or transitioning and college kids and drop outs.

Scraps saw Füz, Füz saw Scrags and they started meowing at each other then wrassles. They were together for 12 years. Füz would Distract, because he put on a lot of weight from being fixed so young and scraps who was fixed at a year which is proper would sneak up on whatever it is and bite their heads off.

They slept with me the whole 12 years. I got used to them. I buried them on the house property we were forced from. Anyhow, yeah that's the tale of Füz and Scrags. Brothers or lovers, either way they were a perfect pair and together to the end.

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

And together again in the end. Buried in the same place.

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What a story!!!

Also to hell with the HOA. Fuck em!

So happy that scraggly and fuz got lots of love from you. I love their names. It’s so cute.

They’re always gonna be together. 💕

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Sep 13Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Great pawem, Nezuko 👏🏻👏🏻

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Thank you! 😸🥰 happy you read it. Means I won’t have to use my paws of fury on you 😼

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Sep 14Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Paws of... furry! 🤭

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🤭🤭 I like that better!

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