Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Wrestling rules

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It’s so much fun!

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Yes it is

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How long have you been a fan for?

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Since 1981

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That's awesome! I've been watching some of the biographies on the older wrestlers. Ones like Undertaker is so cool.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Yeah he's the best

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Sep 12Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

It is 100 percent an athletic soap opera and I wish they owned that a little more haha. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

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LOOL. I feel like they are a bit more now? I’m not sure haha. The way I view it though, is D&D with athletes, and Triple H is the DM hahaha.

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Sep 12Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I dunno if they’re gonna like a nerd comparison haha. They just got used to barely accepting athletic soap opera.

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LOL. Well, it's what I've been putting in my writing here and there hahaha. Cuz i can totally tie those two worlds in together, annnd it helps me with roleplaying mine haha

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Oh, I can make the ties between sports and nerdy stuff quite easily. It’s like my two areas of expertise haha.

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Sep 13Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Do you have any local shows you can go to? While the quality may be a little drop off (production, size, talent) they can still have the energy and excitement, especially if you get invested in the shows and the people on them.

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I think there used to be back in the days (when I was a kid and didn't like it haha). As of now, I'll have to look into it but I haven't heard anything.

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Sep 13Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

They'll be around. So many indies started up in recent years.

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I’ll have to look into it! Would be fun to check out. I also would love to check out the ones they have in Japan too.

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Sep 13Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Are you heading out there?

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Definitely will be! Probably early next year

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Sep 13Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Jealous. You could take in a show a night if you wanted out there. Different company, different style every time.

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Sep 12Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

That's so cool that you got to see Bret Hart. He's one of my favs from back in the day when I paid attention. I still watch sometimes, as I appreciate their talents, but it was the soap opera stuff that lost me in the first place. Your article definitely rekindled my desire to go see a show or two, though....[[|:-)

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Yeah!! Makes sense to bring him in considering it was in his hometown. My husband picked up a limited edition shirt they had for Hart as well.

Oooo I'm glad it did. Maybe/hopefully you'll be able to catch a show here and there! I feel like it gets you more into it too, feed off the energy. Or honestly, it's just great fun even if you have no idea what's going on (which is me half the time) haha.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Happy you guys brought the energy or Gunther and enjoyed Raw.

My gripe with AEW, is that it simply isn't too welcoming for casuals and newcomers. As someone who considers himself a big-ish wrestling fan but only looking to put a couple hours a week into it and watching the monthly ppv, the product is extremely overwhelming and over-saturated compared to WWE. I'm also in it for like you said, the aesthetics, music, fashion, storylines, pop culture crossovers etc. Not just WRESTLING itself, which I get that AEW delivers on for the hardcore fans.

Although I'm still happy it exists as it gives an alternative for said hardcore fans and for wrestlers themselves to have meaningful work options. I'm just not really into random "texas street barbed wired death matches" and promos where you gotta be informed about what happened in the indies 17 years ago.

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Hard to be a Gunther fan that night hahaha.

Yeah! I feel so left out haha. There's so much happening. But at least watching their matches is still entertaining in small doses.Makes sense that it's for more hardcore fans. It gives them something. Def something I didn't think about.

I do also like that if you're not in WWE, you can still go there and have a job though.

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That's a very interesting perspective on AEW that you offered as a newer viewer about the matches not having a lot of meaning. My takeaway was you seem more drawn to the WWE largely because of the attention to detail with character development that draws you in?

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Yeah!! I guess I'm totally biased with that. But it's definitely all the details of each character. Their stories, aesthetics, etc. It adds a level of sophistication to the sport since they're not just athletes, but they gotta do all this other stuff too. So it makes it more interesting and I become emotionally invested in them. For myself at least.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

No but WWE has been to Scotland a few times, so maybe one day 🤞🏻

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Scotland!! So cool you're all the way out there! Ooo yes, Clash at the Castle. Good chance they will.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Haha yeah there's that and another non-televised one they did which is closer to me. My stories are all set in the USA though, it just feels right for some reason 🤷‍♂️

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Oooo that is super cool! It looks like there may be more European shows. Your fans are top notch. Just watching it on TV, you can feel the energy.

Haha its' why I was surprised when you said that, since all your stuff is set in the US so I assumed you were from there.

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Sep 11Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

That was awesome! So jealous ❤️

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Haha thanks!!! Have you ever been?

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My son and I have gone to 7 events. We went to Wrestlemania two years ago. We plan to go to Wrestlemania next year in Las Vegas. I'm a writer so I love the WWE episodic drama. AEW is just flips and kicks. It's hard to connect emotionally with their TV show. Anyways, glad you had fun! Pro-wrestling rocks!

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7!!! That is insane!! Annnd you went to Wrestlemania too? So cool! I really wanna go next year but Vegas will be so expensive haha.

And yes! You get more story which is half the fun. I also am enjoying that it seems no one is safe with Triple H. I doubt we're gonna get someone holding onto their belts forever.

Yah I didn't sense the same love for the wrestlers in AEW. You're not emotionally attached to them. But yah, I had soo much fun and looking forward to going to more in the future.

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