
Thank you for having me on this! I like how different and similiar our reviews were lol German crowd man just owned

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That was fun!!! Should do it more often for random live events!

Lol! I noticed that. It’s different but also quite similar for some stuff.

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Haha the avg score is pre much equal. U gave twin terrors match a 5 but I gave Gunther bs Orton 1 point higher

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Ahahaha I forgot to do the math on that but that’s pretty awesome!

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Sep 2Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen, Lamar Ramos

Wrestling rules

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Sep 2Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen


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Sep 3Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen, Lamar Ramos

Firstly, I love seeing others take as much time to get thoughts out about weekend events as I do.

Secondly, both of you took the words out of my mouth regarding Dawn & Fyre. Cargill needs more time to develop and find her footing, so yanking the straps off the champs and putting them on Jade & Belair feels rushed for the sake of making Cargill look like a monster.

The problem is WWE is attempting to make Jade look like a Lesnar-esque figure, but when that foundation isn’t there yet, I feel like I’m watching another Omos or Khali.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

Thanks a bunch! I do enjoy playing Dave meltzer every now and then lol. I do think they are handling her better than an Omos or Khali and using Bianca as a way to get her more experience because she can become that main event player they want.

However the issue for me is at the same time having to protect her as an undefeated prospect, while being in a tag team makes the women's tag team division feel less competative and their matches a bit predictable cause they usually just squash everyone.

It almost seemes like they took the title off of them at Clash to begin the split, until they realized Jade wasn't ready yet and decided to give it back to them awhile longer. Their reign seems everything is revolving around those two and makes the rest of the division uninteresting until we get that eventual split.

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Gotta let it stew a couple days ya kno?

Yah! It felt really rushed. They won theirs at Clash and that wasn't that long ago at all. They didn't get a chance to make a name for themselves and now it's going back to J/B. But perhaps there's a reason? Maybe a back and forth thing. Create more of a rivalry.

Idk anything about Lesnar in wwe tbh, only in ufc from way back. But I assume they just made him this hulking figure without any build up? If so that is a shame becaus I really love Jade and would like to see her rise to that level and not just get put there.

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So Vince had a way of debuting Monstrous looking athletes from other sports and booking them as unstoppable and beating everyone in the current roster, when the fact is they lack in ring experience and are just there to generate a buzz. A lot ( I mean a lot) were failed experiments as they got exposed, Drew Mcintrye actually being one of those examples! But Drew worked his ass off and came back and became who he is today, which makes him an intriguing character on and off screen

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Ouf!!! Damn, that's really unfortunate. I know he made WWE the way it is and how far it's come but man, Vince era sounds so whacked. So happy Drew is the way he is now.

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