Jun 6Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I love all these things about Japan. Japan is comfortable, safe and very quirky. (Full disclosure: It took me a while to get used to the toilets, but now I love Japanese toilets!)

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After we came back, we installed a bidet ahahaha. Unfortunately we didn't have the proper hookups for the full japanese experience but at least there's the bidet part hahaha. I totally gt that it takes a bit of time to get used to hahaha. It tickles lmao!

Ugh I miss Japan so much.

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Jun 8Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I do love living in Japan.

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So jelly. How long have you been living there now?

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Jun 8Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I'm starting my 10th year in Japan, and this year I'll be moving from a large city to the mountains.

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10th year! That's awesome! I need to find a way to move there haha. One of my friends did last year and I'm so jelly.

Oooo the mountains!! Are you excited? It'll be so peaceful away from the city

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Jun 8Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I wish I could post pictures in the comments. We are moving to a place that's off-the-scale beautiful. I'll post photos in Notes after we're settled in, sometime in August.

I grew up in Manhattan and have always been a city boy, but it's time for a change. Hiking, biking, cool night air -- it's all there.

Moving to Japan is life-changing. You can!

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Jun 6Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

If/when I go the toilets may be the reason I never come back 😂

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Jun 5Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Thank you for confirming one of many reasons why I'd love to visit Japan sooner than later!

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It's such an amazing place. The culture shock is so real. Obviously I went because I'm such a weeb but then it became much more than that.

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Jun 5Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Oh I have tons of reasons I want to go. The cats (bit of a cat whisperer myself) are a newly added plus! If/when I do go, I’ll hopefully be able to pair it with a trip to South Korea. I also have very personal reasons for wanting to go there as well and am currently learning Hangul. If I pair the trips, I may have to take up Japanese sooner than expected haha.

Well damn, now I really want to go.

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Ooo yay another cat lover!! Omgosh, I also would love to go to South Korea, been waiting for a flight sale. That's super cool that you're learning Hangul, was it tough? I shoudl take that up too if I wanna go to SK. I did learn a bit of Japanese for the trip, super helpful if you do know a teeny bit. I wanna go back so badly.

Time to take up Japanese! Can't wait for you to go and experience it all. If you pair the trips, you'll need a month! At least ...

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Jun 5Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

I have a background for needing to pick up languages (opera major in college), so I think it came a little easier to me perhaps than for others. I also grew up in an area that has a massive Korean population. I am definitely still learning I am just trying to get letters now and basic sentence structure before taking classes.

I always try to learn a few words before I go to a country, if for no other reason they appreciate the effort. I also think you’re 100 percent right. A trip for South Korea and Japan, if done well, would definitely be a month, minimum lol.

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Cool major!!! I'm on the same boat with you for languages. I looove learning new ones even if it's just super basic. It also comes to me a bit easier as well since I'm bilingual in Vietnamese. What other languages have you picked up?

Yeah minimum haha. I could easily spend a month in just Japan.

Have you noticed that when you try to learn another language and you use it in that country, they absolutely love it and compliment you? Then you come to North America and someone is trying to speak English and they just get shit on because their english isn't the greatest lol.

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Jun 5Liked by Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Coincidentally, I also live in an area with a lot of Vietnamese folks as well! I am relearning Spanish, which I enjoy but it’s also practical because as diverse as my area is, the second most popular language overall is still Spanish here. I learned enough Greek when I went there to confidently order Gryo’s from the street vendor every day when we walked through the marketplace haha. I can speak German perfectly and understand many words, far from fluent.

And YES! Americans…we are an interesting bunch. I guess traveling so much I can appreciate how hard it is to learn another language. And English is obnoxiously hard. When I went to German speaking countries, they appreciated my effort, but would also tell me that they speak English. French…well for one I for the life of me can’t speak it and at least in Paris they look down their noses at you if you can’t sometimes. The more rural parts were accommodating. But yeah, if you speak English with any sort of accent that makes it sound like it’s obviously your second language, oh does the prejudice flow. Also doesn’t help when people with the biggest megaphones otherize people to boot.

But that’s a massive other subject.

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