Love it! My partner and I have played hundreds of hours of Gloomhaven.

My favorite character was my Quatryl Trixie.

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Thank you!!!

Oooo nice!!!! It's so much fun! But so long to set up haha. Do you play the tabletop version or digital? I didn't even there was a digital version until recently haha.

The Quatryls are such a cute race. I haven't tried playing them yet. I did try the human scoundrel and I did not like her haha.

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We played close to 400 hours on the tabletop version before we found the digital version, and our hour count for that version is 437.2 hours.

My absolute favorite is the Innox Berserker. We usually played two characters each, I would play her, and I'd be required to play a healer along with her... since I was always close to dead.

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Damn!!! We only spent about half of what you guys did haha. Most of it is settign up and wrestling with the cat for the pieces back. We still haven't finished the campaign! I really wanna try to digital, it would be faster for sure.

My husband plays the Inox!! (So I'm gonna be adding him to the story I'm writing eventually). He definitely always dies, guess I should be using a healer instead o a mindthief haha. But I suck at playing healers.

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